Monday, January 25, 2010

Balmain makeover

So, Balmain decides to redo their headquarters at 44 Rue Francoise  into its more traditional interior design.

Personally, I like it this  way. It's a nice contrast between the uber-modern cloting and the traditional setting. As Balmain's cheif executive officer said, “Christopher wanted to revive the soul of Balmain’s historic headquarters, while linking it to the brand’s future.”. Learning more about the future of the brand, some of its T-shirts retail for $1,624 and some dresses even go in the $50,000 price range. That is sky fucking high for a T-shirt that looks like this

What do you guys think? Do you think the new setting of the headquarters is a good contrast for the brands current lines, and would you buy a Balmain T-shirt?

[images via WWD/]


Anonymous said...

PERSONALLY i am not a fan of the above shirt. in fact i pretty much hate it. independant of that fact, i love the makeover on the hq.

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tobes said...

ah!! love the house :)

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