Anyway Met Ball was BORING. BORING BORING BORING. The gowns people wore didn't even really match the theme, with the exception of maybe Oprah who wore a ODLR gown in a similar color and style to the one she wore when she was on Vogue's cover back in the 90's. The only celeb whos dress I really liked was Katy Perry. And kudos to Alexa Chung for switching it up. Aside from that, it was all a big yawn. Anway, it's May, the semester is ending, and my internship is starting next month. It's getting hotter, and I'm nervous as fck but really excited. I can't even tweet that much while on the internship, but when I do, its something good, so make sure that your following my TWITTER. 3 FULL MONTHS THIS TIME! HERE WE GOOOOOO0O0O.

[images via getty]
1 comment:
I am so excited to be working there this summer!!!!
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