Tuesday, April 6, 2010

joe zee's thoughts about fashion bloggers.

"The Internet has allowed people to be 'couch critics.' You could sit anywhere in the world, you could sit in Oklahoma, look at a fashion show on the Internet, you could post your thoughts . . . the Internet has made fashion a lot more democratic in this way. You know, Tavi, like her or don't like her, she's 13 — whether she even really writes it herself, the idea that she has gotten all this attention, it's because of the Internet, not because of anything else. [At Elle] we're talking about people who have really done this their entire lives, who've really covered fashion, who really understand fashion . . . understand the history of fashion, can critique it from a point of view, [can] actually relay it back to something they've experienced and understand. I don't think Tavi even knows what happened five years ago. She has every right to [post] on the Internet, she has every right to have the following she has . . . everybody can follow her and find her creative or funny or quirky or inspiring, but the idea is there are people here [at Elle] who do know the history and I think that Anne [Slowey] stresses this. It's absolutely true: if you don't know what you're talking about, then do you really have the credibility to talk about it?"

[via fashionologie]

 I think it truly depends. Some people really do have a point of view, or try to expose a void that industry people don't. The majority of the more popular bloggers don't seem to have a viewpoint at all, its just that they either have a eccentric personality, or there is a quality thats rather unique about them. This is probably why Joe Zee makes such a statement. Because we have yet to find a blogger who is respected for their opinion rather than their funny, witty, personality. Yes, having a personality and trying to be different is nice, but when thers no truly unique opinion or viewpoint being said, this is what makes points like this valid. This is also why I try to explain as much as possible the relation between graphic design and fashion here, and refrain from using words such as "fierce" or "chic" unless need be, because  I really want you guys to listen. I live in New York City, I walk around looking at peoples outfits, walking around department stores, going to fashion shows, interning, going to fashion school, doing everything I possibly can to learn more. When I went to fashion week for the first time in Feburary, I didn't go to parties, or sit down and just watch the clothes, or take a nap at a show like Tavi. I had my notepad, and wrote notes, evaluated, and wrote reviews. Watching a Youtube video and forming a opinion is fine, but its just not enough, which is why  Joe Zee probably isn't very fond of Tavi and other bloggers. I could really care less whether you see the new outfit I bought, or how I feel about the newest gossip. The point of this blog is for you to understand how graphic design influences fashion everyday. PERIODDDDDDDDDDDDD!

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