Monday, August 12, 2013


          Which ones your fave?  Well Gold seems to be a cover trend whether its a dress, jewelry, or text. Sarah Jessica Parker looks EXTREMELY fit and toned on her cover, almost scary. Maybe carrying all those shopping bags as Carrie Bradshaw finally paid off. It's a great cover, she looks comfortable and the piece they picked compliments her perfectly. Even if there was a little bit of photoshop involved, its not noticeable AT ALL which is great. I love the Kate Upton cover, especially the fun accessories they picked and actually compliments the dress really well. I just REALLY want to see her with a different hairstyle. Maybe she should just chop it all off like Beyonce. I like the Cara Delevegne cover, especially since she's rockin' a Chanel-esque idea from the neck up, but I am so much more intrigued by the DRESS! The pleats and craftsmanship look great Which is great since it is you know.... a fashion magazine. Now only to have Anna Dello Russo's number to ask what IS that dress?

(images via

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