Wednesday, August 14, 2013


SO, I stumbled upon the artwork of Inge Jacobsen, and I must say it's probably some of the most interesting pieces I've ever seen related to fashion magazines. I've seen people do illustrations of magazine covers, collages but this is quite interesting and super intricate. She takes simple cover artwork and hand embroiders the image utilizng cross stitch methods to make a more textural version of the images she picks. Lets take this Beyonce Dazed cover for example.

and VOILA!

It's amazing what she does, and I feel like its a way of taking something that's meant to be a "perfect image" and distorting it, making it more abstract and off the wall. Most of the other covers shes done in the past tend to be more structured, soft pictures, and the detail work she implements takes it to a more abstract, freaky, place. It's a image manipluation that definetly makes you do a double take. BRAVO INGE!

So what item must you have to look like a work of art from Inge's needle and thread?


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