Tuesday, March 16, 2010


          Went for a walk today, originally supposed to go get my haircut, but ended up shopping for my summer internship. I've been having a lot of problems in that department, this magazine has a stricter dress code, and probably requires a lot more active tasks ( more runs, traveling, etc.). My style is mainly just comfortable, cool, colorful pieces, and interning has totally shaped my taste into what's quicker to put on, and what's more wearable. I tend to think now, " If I get sent on a run to Peoples Revolution by foot to pick up a pair of jeans at 5:00 for a 6:00 shoot in the Financial District, what pair of shoes can I run in without having to buy running shoes." Sounds crazy, huh? Well its the truth, situations like that DO arise, and you HAVE to deliver, no tip. Anyway, bought these items.

The left is a blue/grey long sleeved shirt, the middle is a green t-shirt, and the right is a blue/white long sleeved shirt. I usually roll the sleeves up, and wear a small chain, so these are 3 nice pieces to have for the summer. Also got myself a small bag to put my stuff in. Went through Bryant Park today and it was PACKED.

I mean, EVERYONE was outside. Mostly everyone was really well dressed, relaxing. I think I'm gonna take my laptop over there on Thursday and hang out for a bit. Anyone care to join? Also stopped by the Conde Nast Building.
Miss it so much. As stressful as the internship was, it was great working for such a prestigious publishing company, especially the one you wanna eventually work for. See you soon ( June 7th at 8:00AM to be accurate).

Yup, what I wore. Sorry for the lack of artsy photography, too much homework to do. I guess with the white shirt, black jacket, beat up jeans and black boots, I was John Travolta in Grease for a day. Just missing the hair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like you are having fun in the city. Try to stay in the now which is march 17th 2010 the summer will come soon enough and when it does you can deal with it then, stay focused at the tasks at hand (college)so the summer can be even more enjoyable knowing you have completed another semester and done well.
love the shots of your tour about the city,

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